All we need is a simple step by step cartoon picture of a bee, add to that our step by step rose from our previous post: How to draw a simple rose and …
Wouldn’t that resemble extremely well the rose drawing from the below cartoon from CartoonStock?
Cartoon picture of a bee
Drawing the above honey bee on the right top was actually more difficult than drawing the rose of our previous post: the cartoonist added an extra leaf, bended the stem of the rose in an "S" shape and used a variety with even less thorns than we did.
Also the honey bees in the above cartoon are much simpler looking than what I have been drawing.
When I was a kid, I always wanted to be a cartoonist, but…
…when I saw my classmates drawing people and animals, I was quite inhibited to make a career out of drawing:
- I loved the outdoors and smelling the roses, but I hardly picked up a pencil to draw one
- also there was no real drawing education in school
- the headmasters didn’t do much of a better job and were amazingly surpassed by the kids that really could draw.
Now if I would have had money those days, I would have bought me some drawing books. But not did I lack drawing skills, I also lacked money… no honey, no bees, no nothing. And they don’t teach you how to draw a rose in university either ๐
So I put my wish in the drawer until I found the rose drawing of the previous post and I could draw it from my first try. Don’t you love the Internet!
Just admit: the bee cartoon above surprisingly doesn’t need an humongous amount of drawing skills. The most challenging thing is finding something funny, seems how you draw it afterwards is the easy part.
Ok, I need to write less posts, draw more rose cartoons and find an easy cartoon bee to add to it ๐
Please leave a comment if you have an easy step by step cartoon picture of a bee.
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