The meals from Day 8 where similar to those of Day 1, yet with 20% less cholesterol intake and below the recommended 200 mg/day for people like me, who want to lower their cholesterol.
Having replaced oatmilk for almond surely makes up for 20 mg less. Other than that, our meat portion today was smaller than last week, so that helps as well.
The key to lowering your cholesterol intake is to focus on consuming less meat and less diary products. For breakfast, I replace full milk from a cow with homemade almond milk:
Traditionally, Saturday was a day to eat out for lunch, as my wife used to work half days on Saturday. Chicken noodle soup is till one of my favorites: not because it’s the most delicious meal ever, but because you won’t be served "food floating above oil". I mean: when you order mutton curry and wait a few seconds, you see the oil emerging from the curry. And if the fat is animal fat, it will add to your daily cholesterol intake.
Compared to last week, I asked for a bigger bowl of noodles, that is: same amount of chicken (60 mg cholesterol estimated) but more noodles and more soup.
Dinner was boiled potatoes, mixed salad with olive oil dressing, garlic sauce based on 45 gram Greek yogurt (10% fat) – about 11 mg cholesterol – and the pork patties of Day 5: 100 gram of pork meat making up for 85 mg cholesterol:
The garlic sauce recipes wasn’t as tasty as last week: although the ingredients were almost the same, I used different quantities. I added less yogurt (last week was half potato, half yogurt) and I added extra spring onion: to much herbs for comfort.
Total daily cholesterol intake = 156 mg:
- breakfast = 0 mg cholesterol
- lunch = 60 mg cholesterol (chicken)
- dinner = 96 mg cholesterol (85 mg from pork meat and 11 mg from Greek yogurt)
Important lesson learned with the not so delicious garlic sauce: a little change in amount of ingredients can make a huge difference in taste. My wife did request for the garlic sauce she ate last week, but she won’t be requesting for what I made today. Making delicious food low in cholesterol is possible, but you need to try and tweak recipes to your liking.
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